Defamer Employment: Get Your Very Own Defamer Knock-Off

We at Defamer are always happy to assist our internet colleagues in their hiring efforts. Jeffrey Wells of Hollywood Elsewhere is looking for a writer to pen a column that...hey, wait a minute!
1/11/2005 04:06:06 PM Got another gig for a clever trust-fund journalist looking to build a rep. I need a 20-something man/woman to author a Hollywood Elsewhere column that almost totally rips off Defamer...same attitude, style, tone, brevity...only a bit different. And I need someone to run it — write it, grab and crop photos, do headlines, publish it from their home/office, etc. I have no shame about ripping off other sites and columns, as long as you don't totally copy them. Get in touch and we'll talk.
Wow, if I didn't already have a non-compete agreement with myself, I'd totally apply! I don't really qualify for the 20-something provision anymore (or the trust-fund thing, how stupid of me!), but I could always cry ageism if I get passed over for a younger writer. Even if I don't get the gig, I'm definitely looking forward to bumping into the Bizarro-Defamer around the water cooler—sitting around in my underwear all by myself gets a little lonely sometimes.
So, yeah, everyone should apply. EVERYONE.