· There are two ways to pay homage to the great Martin Luther King, Jr. For those looking to become better, more socially aware people, there's the "Race in America" program at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, which features a screening of an Oscar-nominated documentary on King as well as a discussion between Rabbi Marc Schneier (President of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding) and Russell Simmons (hip-hop overlord, husband to pot-smoking, bad-driving-Asian Kimora)... [MJH]
· ...Or, for those people looking to just get crunked all up in the club, there's the Roots Down party with DJ Kid Named Miles (from eclectic groovers Breakestra) at Table 50. [Table 50]
· ...And, for the indie kids, Gothamist presents Movable Hype 1.5, the second in their series of musical showcases, featuring Fort Ancient, Morning Theft, and other bands you don't know. $7 gets you all this and an open bar while it lasts. Proceeds go to charity and you can expect lots of digital cameras. [Gothamist]