· Former White House speechwriter and current New Yorker senior editor Hendrik Hertzberg sure does have a fun name. He's also, coincidentally, one smart bastard. Those looking for some good cocktail party fodder should head over to the General Society Library tonight, where Hertzberg offers up his perspective on post-election politics. [General Society]
· Feeling the need to express yourself in a manner that doesn't involve broken glass or domestic beer? Indulge your inner art-slut at the Education Alliance Art School's $5 workshops. You can sculpt or draw, but you may not eat the paint. [TONY]
· Those looking to keep the education out of their evenings, take heart: Del tha Funkee Homosapien rocks the mic at BB King, while Suffolk County's finest, RA the Rugged Man, takes over the Knitting Factory. [BB King & flavorpill]