Jennifer Garner WombWatch: Golden Globes Edition

Not even the chaos of the Golden Globes after-parties can stop our spies from keeping an eye on that most elusive piece of celebrity anatomy, Jennifer Garner's womb. A report from the HBO party keeps us up to the minute on the comings and goings of the starlet's reproductive system:
Sunday night while I was home watching the Golden Globes in my pajamas like a has-been actress, one of my coworkers attended the HBO party afterwards and called me to report that he was standing near Jennifer Garner. "Is she still wearing that red dress or did she change?" I asked.
"Uh, shes still in it."
"Does she look pregnant? She was kind of 'from the tits up' in the interview I saw on the red carpet."
"She looks good."
"Dude. Does she look pregnant? Can you walk up to her and look RIGHT at her gut and see if she looks preggo?"
"Hang on...." (mumbling ....) "OK, I'm RIGHT next to her and I'm looking at her stomach and she does NOT look
pregnant."(Me) - "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
There you have it. While she didn't appear pregnant at the Globes, we're still committed to bringing you Jennifer Garner WombWatch updates as they become available. We're going to need every second possible to prepare for the coming of Ben Affleck's lovechild.