Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Craig Kilborn In Decline

Falling on his own B-list talk-show sword may have prematurely aged Craig Kilborn. The formerly boyish Late Late Show host couldn't have taken it well when he found out that CBS replaced him with a virtual no-name with a funny accent, as a reader spots a superannuated Kilborn hovering in the shadow of his old CBS Television City stomping ground:
Saturday, nine AM...I'm heading into the Starbucks at the Farmer's Market when I see this tall, rail-thin guy with about two weeks worth of grey-white beard having an intense conversation with a hot young model type. Could that really be Craig Kilborn? I had to make a second pass to be sure, but yeah, it's him, and he's looking like he's about 85 years old. I suppose career self-immolation will do that to a guy, but yikes. And seeing how the Farmer's Market is about 100 yards from his old office, there's a kind of postal/stalker thing going on. At least he still manages to pull hot chicks...even if he makes them walk five paces behind him.
It good to see he's still enjoying the fruits of celebrity before this rapid aging renders him unrecognizable to "hot model types."