· We're usually not ones to send you scurrying off to the dark side, but this is for a good cause: Moby, Lou Reed, DJ Spooky, and a host of others perform at Marquee for the "artists for Tsunami Relief" party. A suggested donation of 30 bucks gets you a ticket and open bar between 7-9. [flavorpill]
· Don't stay home crying about four more years of Bush and Co. Swing on by The Tank tonight at 7:30 for Drinking Liberally, a night of drinking, dancing, and left-leaning commiserating. While you're there, be sure to try some of The Brewnettes' election-themed microbrew, Winter of Our Discontent Ale. [The Tank]
· Avant-garde film-maker (that's "film," not "movie," you goddamned philistine) Kenneth Anger introduces his latest flick, "Mouse Heaven," along with some of his other recent works, tonight at MoMa. [MoMA]