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As always, your responses were frequent, enthusiastic, and lawyer-baiting. Before you view the reader guesses, get in your wayback machine and relive One Blind Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "... so let's move on, instead, to the predictably prissy crap that...Myrtle Mammary's been pulling while on location for her latest flick. Too funny. Apparently, Ms. M., who is indeed supertalented, doesn't believe it." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: This week, you found the answers in a series of simple equations: "Elegantly Equipped=(Herbie:) Fully Loaded, "Myrtle Mammary = Lindsay Lohan," though many couldn't reconcile Ted's insistence that his subject is "supertalented." Unless, of course, "supertalented=top-heavy," in which case you were fine with the description. And many cited Lohan's much-photographed bender in New Orleans as the extracurricular activities in the item. Smokescreens! Do you think that an gossip-encoding intellect like Ted's would produce such an easily breakable code?

You also say: Now that this picture of Scarlett Johansson has outed her stealth-rack, many of you identified her as Myrtle Mammary. You also think the "supertalented" label fits her more readily, and you noticed that her famous elevator-love session with Benicio Del Toro might count as exhibitionism. We are not convinced! Y'all have mammaries on the brain this week.

You also say: On the subject of Thelma Twig: A skinny actress that's graduated from cokehead to speed freak? Why don't you narrow it down a little? We could go to Starbucks right now and walk out with four actresses just by playing with our nose and twitching a little. And we don't have the room to list all the other guesses.

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: "Thelma Twig: Clearly Andy Dick. Sniff-sniff, snort-snort, wah-wah, Rick James was my best friend." We have a winner!

Thanks to everyone for playing!