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We survived the Southwest flight into a foggy Salt Lake City and are now sitting in a theater waiting for the premiere of Inside Deep Throat. Movie's about to start...we'll have to relate our sighting of Brian Grazer later. But wait, Grazer produced the film and just made some opening remarks not worth mentioning. The hair is spectacular however. [via mobile]

UPDATE: After the jump.

The crowd was pretty lively initially, as the movie scores a number of easy laughs from "Look at how uptight these conservatives are about sex! God, they really just need a good blowjob" soundbites. Afterwards, presumably after being completely desensitized to fellatio, there was much buzzing about the disco-heavy soundtrack.

Most memorable moment: Helen Gurley Brown talking at length about semen's incredible utility as a skin cream, forever altering our conception of "the facial."

Typical Q & A followed, with directors Fenton Bailey and Randy Barabato, persecuted Deep Throat star Harry Reems (who's now living in Park City), and, of course, producer Brian Grazer, whose name is splashed across the screen more times than the blowjob clips. With his Imagine Entertainment behind it, the movie will be released in about 10 cities "around Valentine's Day," as Bailey and Barbato put it. It might've made a good date movie, but the ominous on-screen message about how the laws used to prosecute Harry Reems are still on the books might scare some into keeping the action on first base.