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[Ed.note—We tried to post this from the theater, but apparently it didn't "take". Not that it was so great, but since we pissed off the guy sitting next to us at the screening (did he really have to hold up his hand like the light from our handheld was searing his retinas?), we'd thought we'd repost and update.]

We're sitting in the Library Theater waiting for Game 6 (with Michael Keaton) to start. Keaton is in the house. People must be dying to see him in something without all of that paranormal, ghosts-talking-on-tape bullshit, since some lined up at 9 am for a 2:30 pm show. [via mobile—whoa, it's like you're right there with us.]

UPDATE: Well, it definitely didn't seem like it was worth four hours of standing in line for this. Who were these people? Big fans of Don DeLillo, who wrote the screenplay? Keaton fans incredibly grateful that he's made another movie? Red Sox fans desperate to wallow in some old pain now that they've shaken the Curse? Not even sure if a Q & A followed, as we rudely bolted the second the credits came on (as did many). No standing ovation, either.

Dismissive one-line review, suitable for framing: Game 6? More like Game 2 1/2 Stars.