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Just a gentle reminder: We posted a bunch of reports (i.e. an excuse to expense five bottles of vodka and very, very chilly "relaxation session" in an alley off of Main Street) this weekend, so don't be afraid to scroll down and check it all out. We'd hate to think that the torture we put our liver through pounding down Mormon reduced-alcohol-content booze in the name of "man on the street reporting" was all for naught.

Because we're feeling generous, we've recreated an exchange that we've had with a number of industry types that we've bumped into at parties and on the street:

Defamer: "What's the best movie you've seen so far?"
Industry people: "Um, haven't actually seen any movies."
Defamer: "How long have you been here?"
Industry people: "Three days."

Don't let anyone tell you differently: Sundance is all about the art.