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As we were walking down Main Street Sunday afternoon, we saw a huge crowd of teenage girls assembled outside the Fred Segal store, screaming "I want to have your baby!" and "You are soooo hot!" Was a Timberlake sighting in the offing? We finally fought our way through the throng to see what kind of pop-star had the YM set in such a lather, discovering that it was Napoleon Dynamite's Jon Heder, the spastic darling of last year's festival, getting the N'Sync treatment.

More pics after the jump.

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Efren Ramirez basks in the chants of "Vote Pedro."

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The aforementioned throng worshipping at the feet of their festival heroes.

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Excuse us for this flight of lame fancy, but we must invoke the bard Sisqo: throng-thra-thra-thra-throng.