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We actually managed to score a pass to the Blender Sessions party on Monday night at Harry O's, featuring the bluntastic stylings of Snoop Dogg, but the venue was so overcrowded that we couldn't get in. When we showed up (admittedly, quite fashionably late after losing track of time across the street at the Palm Pictures event), a bouncer delightfully informed us, "I don't care who the fuck you are, we're 1400 people over capacity. No one is getting in there." We sincerely hope that the thick-necked gatekeeper had a gift for hyperbole, otherwise the like of Tobey ("Fatty McFat Fat") Maguire, Neve Campbell, Thora Birch, Scott Wolf, and, of course, Bishop Don "Magic" Juan risked incineration in the celebrity-packed firetrap. Does the world realize it was one unattended roach away from an incalculable tragedy? The tribute concert, however, would have been spectacular.