· The winner of the 2004 Story Prize, awarded to the best short story collection of the year, gets 20 G's. Not a bad hunk of change. Head on over to the Peter Jay Sharpe Theater tonight to hear from the three finalists and to see who wins. [flavorpill]
· Author/activist/High Times writer Jason Flores-Williams is clearly a bit more pissed off than the rest of us at the re-election of Dubbya—he spearheads the "Call for New York Secession" tonight at Junno's. As much as we love the idea, we thinketh Mr. Flores-Williams should lay off the cheeba for a while. [TONY]
· Evidently, there was some giant wave-thingy that crashed in Southeast Asia and caused a lot of damage. We'll look into it. In the meantime, past and present SNLers (Amy Poehler, Horatio Sanz, Rob Riggle), Daily Show correspondents (Ed Helms, Rob Corddry), and assorted other funny people perform at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre to raise some money for Mercy Corp's relief effort. [UCB]