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Before moving on to your guesses, do some last minute cramming with One Rock Hudson Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "...some things never change. Like parading around a wife or girlfriend, just because that's what the public wants to see, when, in reality, you're a same-sex kinda creature, just like ol' Rock was. Well, so is Slippery Polly, gotta tell ya. Howevuh, So Obvious Polly will soon be her name if she doesn't start watching it, I mean, really. See, S.P. recently left her partner." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses after the jump.

You say: This week's guesses really went down to the wire, but Jennifer Aniston eked out a victory. Many of you connected the oh-so-simple dots of "Slippery Polly" with Aniston's Along Came Polly. Did Aniston recently end a relationship or something? Hmm. We must've missed that issue of US Weekly. It all smells way too easy to us; we've learned the hard way that Mr. Casablanca is the master of misdirection.

You also say: Rebecca Romijn. We've all seen her make out with a woman in Femme Fatale, and there were always stories about her supposed switching-hitting proclivities in the tabloids. Did getting dumped by John Stamos drive her all the way to the sapphic side? That's about the only thing that could explain her involvement with Jerry O'Connell—all the ladies would know she's still really on the market.

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To For the first time ever, we're going to have to award this item to someone other than Andy Dick. Says one reader, "Slippery Polly is clearly Bea Arthur, and Pussy Pat is none other than Charlotte Rae. Quick! Bea needs a Conrad Bain beard, post haste."

Better luck next week, Andy.

As always, thanks for playing!