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First-class-flying Hollywood types, you are warned: If you find yourself on the same flight as CAA agent Josh Lieberman and you desperately need to sleep or get some work done, you might want to beg your way back into the plebe cabin. Page Six reveals Lieberman's log-sawing problem:

The tenpercenter, who represents the likes of Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law and other A-list stars, has aggravated first-class flyers for a while now with his loud and constant snoring on long flights. On one recent flight, almost everyone nearby complained about the resounding, saw-like snores coming from Lieberman, who was so conked out, he couldn't be awakened. A pal of Lieberman says he has a "serious health condition" — one that could most likely be solved by getting his uvula removed.

For a second there we thought the passage said he was "so coked out," but that would've resulted in him keeping fellow passengers awake with chatter about his clients, another equally annoying hazard of flying first class with agents. Our bad. Between this and the possibility of a sexual assault by a pill-popping skeleton, cramming into a seat in coach never seemed so appealing.

[Photo: Getty Images]