'NYT' Blog Coverage Reaches Tipping Point
We're getting a little concerned that The New York Times is running out of ways to write about blogs. Today's 'Dining In/Dining Out' section has a piece by Julia Moskin on angry waiter blogs:
Grievances, including friction between kitchen and dining room staff, rapacious management and near-universal bitterness over tipping, are being revealed with gusto on the Internet by restaurant staff members.
This is hard on the booties of this Sunday's 'Style' article on mommy blogs, and something in the 'City' section on gossip blogs. And that's just this week.
The Times has done the blog story in every section, every which way for as long as we can remember. Eventually, they're gonna run out of angles on this thing.
So, we'd like to propose some new blog angles for Times writers: people hiring professional copyeditors for their blogs; blogs by dental hygienists; blogs written in Middle English; how blogs impact people's diets; blogs about ponies; blogs for midwestern fourth grade teachers; when blogs make you frown; blogs only about John Boorman's Zardoz; blogs for potato recipes; blogs about paint drying; blogs about bad ideas for articles about blogs.
The Waiter You Stiffed Has Not Forgotten [NYT]