Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Kate And Orlando Hike Separately

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the world know that Leonardo DiCaprio wears a matching tracksuit while eating soup.
In this absolutely massive, A-list-filled epsiode: Kate Bosworth and Orlando Bloom hiking separately, prefiguring their big break-up; Al Pacino at In N Out; Chad Lowe and Hilary Swank on 3rd St; Winona Ryder at a Barstow Starbucks (yes, that's a little further afield than HPW usually goes); Keanu Reeves outside the Roxy; Courtney Love and Paris Hilton at Kings of Leon; Diane Keaton eating Mexican food; Bryan Singer at a college party; Steve Martin; Kiefer Sutherland; Frankie Muniz; Ben McKenzie; Shirley Manson and Anthony Kiedis enjoying Marty and Elayne; Kiedis again; Jeffrey Jones; Weird Al Yankovic; Fiona Apple; Luke Walton and Caron Butler; Christopher Knight; Andrew Firestone; Pauly Shore; Roselyn Sanchez; Barry Williams; Jay London.
· Kate Bosworth and Orlando Bloom. I saw them almost a week ago hiking...separately!
I was in runyon canyon, (Hollywood hills) I thought it was a little weird that he was walking SOOOOO far ahead of her. He was around the bend and she was down the slope. If you know runyon, the easy way bends. Anyway, he was dressed like he was doing a spread for GQ and she looked nothing like her cute self....cringe worthy lycra long pants, a workout top...and she couldn't fill it for shit. I mean, EAT. A. BURGER. ALREADY. She's mucho plain Jane, he EXUDES hawtness, this wasn't a match made in movie star heaven. He woke up and realized he's dating a 10 year old boy with a pretty face.
· Al Pacino having lunch with his kid(s)...at In N Out, Sunset. Could not get close enough to ascertain if Mr. Pacino takes it animal style or no, but he was pimpin a minivan WITH driver. Hoo-ah!
· Sunday brunching at 3rd street breakfast joint "Who's on Third" I noticed Chad Lowe come in looking for a seat. He made a phone call and was soon joined by his alarmingly skinny (but none-the-less stunning!) wife Hilary
Swank. She was dressed in head-to-toe casual/comfy Adidas wear, and they took the restaurant's worst table (on the sidewalk, almost in the street, in the blinding sun) without complaint. I was completely impressed by how normal and affable they both seemed, particularly with her big "60 Minutes" interview airing that night!
· Saw Winona Ryder yesterday in a Starbucks in a strip center of fast-food joints in Barstow, the halfway point between Vegas and Los Angeles. I wasn't sure what was going on. She was hoarding cds and fancy coffee mugs, chatting nervously with the barista but always looking down at the counter. Then she put all her potential purchases down and scampered off to the ladies' room, constantly looking back over her shoulder as she scampered. Very, very weird. The barista chicks rolled their eyes.
· Last night (1/26) in front of the Roxy, Keanu Reeves — looking more like a hard-rocking Orthodox Jew in that beard — and gal talking to band member (maybe guy from Becky). I heard him utter, "Let's go in and try to get a spot."
· Was at the Kings of Leon show at the Roxy on Saturday and who should show up but Courtney Love AND Paris Hilton. Not together, of course. In fact, they weren't even in the same VIP area. Love was in the raised back
area with the booths and the tables, which is sort of like the semi-public VIP area. Paris was up on this exclusive second floor "I'm-with-the-band" ledge like some doll-eyed freakin' Rapunzel. She was with a guy who looked a bit like Nick Carter, but I really don't know if it was him, seemed almost a foot shorter than her, though it could have been the heels (her wearing
them, or him not wearing them). She was hanging on the Nick-ish guy and — between lengthy breaks to disappear into the club's nether regions to do Lord knows what — genuinely seemed to enjoy the band. Then again, perhaps her frequent disappearances into club's nether regions and her great rockin' mood were somehow mysteriously linked, hmmm ... At any rate, I kept hoping Love and Paris would be irresistible drawn together and collide in some epic, bi-generational, bottle-blond-diva cat fight that would play like some Defamer wet dream. I'd put $50 on Courtney in a flash. Now that would be hot.
· I dipped into Tia Jauna's Authentic Mexican Food on Olympic near Bundy last night to eat some tequila. After my meal I noticed the signature black bowler hat and tall collar of Diane Keaton. I was surprised to see her in that kind of divey place (albeit the food is fantastic!). She was dining with a man (mid 30's) and a young girl (mid 10's). Her dark attire didn't hamper her surprisingly powerful star quality. Rock on D.K.! Next shooter is on me!
· Saw x-men director Bryan Singer at a gay apartment party at UCLA, holding court by the keg. i tried to get a camera phone photo but it never comes out too well.
· So there we were eating a lunch at The 29 - a pleasant little restaurant near USC - frequented mostly by USC students.... when my friend turns to me and says "Am I crazy, or is that Steve Martin at the table next to us?" And Steve Martin it was! Complete with the infamous mustache and green and yellow striped shoes and socks. He looked a little peeved that everyone was whispering about him, but I'm sure it's nothing unusual for him. The unusual part was that he was at a restaurant in that kind of area...
· Kiefer Sutherland sighting: I was walking up Vermont Ave. last night (Monday) and spotted The 24 Man sitting at an outside table at one of the bistros along there. He was with two very beefy guys, was talking very loudly, and looked very spray-tanned.
· I stopped in at Kitson Saturday and saw teeny, tiny Frankie Muniz chatting with teeny, tiny, baby-carrying Breckin Meyer right in the middle of the store. Frankie is, to put it bluntly, turning seriously fugly: his skin is really, really bad. Dude, invest in some dermatological assistance! You've got the money! Breckin is wee, but his baby is quite adorable. Frankie must seriously love Kitson, though — he was there when I got there, and he was still there when I left.
· This morning as we dawdled at our table drinking that oh-so-necessary 6th cup of coffee, I got to watch Benjamin McKenzie waiting for 20 minutes or so for a table at Home in Los Feliz. He was waiting around on the sidewalk with a guy (who could be the guy from this sighting—the guy did have that sort of self-conscious "no, no, I'm a coooool nerd" thing going)
and then when he was seated two other guys joined them. The only thing of note was that while McKenzie was dressed super Ryan-ish, he kept taking off and putting on his sunglasses, like he couldn't decide if he was Hollywood cool or a man of the people.
· While Marty and Elayne played an ominous Michael Jackson tune, Shirley Manson of Garbage and Anthony Kiedis of Red Hot Chili Peppers looked on. They were not together. His hair has grown out a bit and he doesn't look as much like Cleopatra as before.
· While dining in LA a few weeks ago, I watched Anthony Kiedis. from Red Hot Chili Peppers walk by. He was pretty short, buff, with a prince valiant hair do. His girlfriend was an emaciated (literally) pale young woman with short messy brown hair. On Beverly Blvd. Same lunch watched as the pervert principle [Jeffrey Jones] from Ferris Bueller.... walking up and down the sidewalk. It was a solid 90 degrees out and he was wearing a huge flannel jacket, long pants, and sporting a fiery red beard. His skin was pockmarked and he was sweating profusely. He was at least 6'4". Totally odd looking. A red flannel mountain is what I thought to myself.
· Long time reader, first time caller. I'm standing in the rush line for the Oscar panel @ the DGA (9am Sat), and who saunters by but spoof-music legend "Weird" Al Yancovic. How in God's holy name did HE get into the
DGA? Maybe his date was the director.
· Saw Fiona Apple on my EARLY Jetblue flight from JFK to Long Beach. At first I thought she was a bag lady b/c of how shabbily she was dressed (large clunky boots, big purple sweatpants, button shirt down to her knees), and the way she was stumbling confusedly around the gate. Very bony, from the parts of her I could see. She looks rather Mary-Kate Olsen-esque... in fact she could be their long lost sister that wasn't talented enough to make it on Full House. Anyway, she must have accidentally eaten something on the way to the airport b/c she looked pissed.
· Saw Luke Walton and Caron Butler of the Lakers at Garden of Eden last night. Since I had an "encounter" with LW last year at the Playboy Mansion (almost a year ago this weekend), I said "hi". He miraculously remembered my name and gave me the requisite "It was fun, but don't mention it to my girlfriend whose standing right here" kiss on the cheek. They were holding court in the VIP section until some guy walked by and yelled, "Shouldn't you be practicing right now? No wonder ya'll dropped 3 games this week..." Hysterical.
· Saw Christopher Knight at Jerry's in Studio City yesterday. Not very tall, had on sunglasses and a leather backpack. He seemed nice, all smiles and greeted the man he was dining with with a warm handshake. It must feel good to have his career be as hot as Flavor Flav. Also seen William H. Macy driving around in his little green convertable as a previous reader reported. He does look extremely happy going topless.
· I fear the quality of my last few sightings has diminished thoroughly in the last while. Nonetheless, at Barney's on Sunday afternoon, watching football, in walked former Bachelor and current tire heir Andrew Firestone. He headed to the patio with a couple of friends to drink pitchers of dark beer and watch the games. Someone bought him shots. He looked, dare I say it? Hot. I dared. I don't mind.
· Saw Pauly Shore in the frozen food section at the Trader Joes in West Hollywood a couple hours ago (1/29). He was wearing a tilted green trucker hat and sunken eyes... I wore a scowl and was about to demand the 4 hours of
my life back from Encino Man and Bio Dome... but the express line opened up and I wanted to put as much space between us as possible.
· Lunch today (1/29) at Urth Caffe on Melrose graced me with the presence of Roselyn Sanchez (who has strangely disappeared from your sister site Fleshbot), Danny, the sartorially-challenged contestant on "The Apprentice." [Ed.note—The Roselyn Sanchez post hasn't disappeared, it just went off the front page.]
· spotted at dr. ava cadell's booksigning at The Erotic Museum for "The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Oral Sex":Greg from the Brady Bunch, Sensei (the blonde villain) from The Karate Kid.
· Saw Last Comic Standing castoff / Plasticine Era revivalist Jay London getting all cro-magnon on a cell phone outside a coffee shop on Vermont last night. Nothing to get excited about (especially in Los Feliz, which is apparently his native habitat) except for the fact that he's so feral looking that I was tempted to call the zoo and ask them to do a head count. Either that or offer him a bananna. That look doesn't seem to be getting him much work, seeing as he's got plenty of time to hang out and swill coffee. I hear the Museum of Natural History is hiring...