Cathy Horyn, Ex-Pat Lagerfeld Pet?

Word has been slowly circulating that Times bespectacled fashion critic Cathy Horyn will be relocating to Paris by spring 2006, but don't assume she's moving purely for the haute couture and Gauloises. The Daily is reporting that while Horyn will remain on staff with the Times, the real reason behind her move is to work on the biography of mildly-cracked designer Karl Lagerfeld. None too coincidentally, Horyn has penned a 6,000-word piece on la Lagerfeld for the paper's February 20th issue of T magazine and her adoration for the incredibly shrinking designer is no secret. The biography, then, is the natural next step. Sounds like a blissful union in fashion publishing heaven, but will she love him once he undoubtedly (and unjustifiably) forces her to go on the Karl Lagerfeld diet?