Defamer Casting: Get Naked For Entourage

Are there any casting calls in this city that don't require that people pre-screen naked pictures of our city's aspiring actors and actresses? Granted, the following notice is for a scene set at the Playboy Mansion (we're surprised it took this long for the Entourage kids to wind up at Hef's pad), so in the interest of verisimilitude, they're going to need a look at your cans:
Casting pajama lingerie party scene @ The PLAYBOY MANSION. Filming of HBO's entourage will take place on Wednesday, February 9th @ The PLAYBOY MANSION. Girls must be comfortable wearing lingerie party outfits.
Lingerie girls $75.00 for the day
Nude girls $150.00 for the dayTo be considered email a headshot & 2 body shots, if you are submitting to be a nude model you must submit a nude photo along with your headshot.
Take your clothes off, double your day rate. But know that each bra doffed might be snatching a sandwich out of the mouth of a hungry Playmate.