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When we read Rob Schneider's attack ad nuking the LAT's Patrick Goldstein for a Deuce Bigalow joke the reporter made last week, we shouldn't have assumed that Schneider's research was thorough. (We imagine it involved googling "Patrick Goldstein journalism awards.") A reader informs us that Goldstein was the recipient of an award from the publicists guild last year, as noted in Variety last February:

Press awards went to Patrick Goldstein of the L.A. Times [emphasis ours] and Italian journalist Alessandra Venezia; Disney studio toppertopper Dick Cook received the motion picture showmanship award from Julie Andrews, and former Fox TV Entertainment Group head Sandy Grushow received the TV showmanship award from Kiefer Sutherland.

We guess that's the thing about attack ads: They're done in the heat of the moment. When you're blind with rage and taking a Hollywood jackhammer to a crippled kitten, do you stop to make sure it's really dead?

[There's a pdf version of the ad here as well.]