Short Ends: Half Pint Fills A Cup

· Not content to merely sit through the Super Sanitized Bowl, TVGasm recaps the proceedings in painstaking detail. Masochists.
· "If Michael Bay is a Ferrari, and McG is a Ford Mustang, Brett Ratner is a broken down Pinto with flat tires." So sayeth the IMDb message board for one Brett Ratner, although they're being incredibly generous to Bay and McG. We guess the analogy would've fallen apart if they used three Pintos.
· Hold on a minute...when did Half Pint get so gosh darn juggsy? And we don't care what anyone says, we studied the photo for hours and can't detect any kind of nipple slip. [via ToGawp/Fleshbot]
· Slate rates the Super Bowl ads. For the record, our favorite was the one where Burt Reynolds got racked by a guy in a cheap bear suit. Why stop with the balls, Smokey? Go for the kill next time.