Hollywood PrivacyWatch: A Close Encounter With Vince Vaughn's Man-Breast

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the world know that Kate and Orlando's hiking habits presaged their eventual break-up.
In today's edition: A disturbing encounter with Vince Vaughn's breast at the 24 Hour Fitness; Keanu Reeves and David Alan Grier at Greenblatt's (separately); Topher Grace picking up food at Greenblatt's that he would presumably later eat; Brett Ratner and Rebecca Gayheart at Bristol Farms, stocking up on bottled water and quibbling about turkey bacon; William Shatner; David Schwimmer; Jon Lovtiz getting smarmy; Andy Richter out with the kid; Nikki Hilton and Kevin Connolly; Chris Masterson and Chris Knight; Ron Perlman; Dave Navarro; Kate Jackson; Coral from the Real World and innumerable spin-offs; Josh "brother of SNL's Seth" Myers.
· Last night I was finishing a somewhat hearty work out at the 24 Hour Fitness at The Arclight and being the good doobie that I am, I was about to put my mat back in the corner of the gym when I literally ran into this tall hulk of a man — it was none other than Vince Vaughn himself. We made eye contact — who knew how tall he actually was...He gave me a knowing smirk, like he got off on the fact that I actually recognized him....I don't know how he escaped my wandering eye because about five minutes later I ran into him again. Literally. He was in the locker room with his shirt off right by the quarter lockers (as opposed to the lockers one locks with a padlock) and I ran into his behemoth, hairy tit. I'm no vertically challenged man but that Swinger is so freakin' tall....looks like V V has been kicking back for awhile because his flabby hairy tit almost caused me to loose focus of the gay porn star changing only steps away from him. Darn that Vince Vaughn. Now that hottie Jesse Metcalfe has been seen a few times at the gym and I just cannot wait to run into him...
· Saw Keanu Reeves and David Alan Grier at Greenblatt's on Sunset, last Thursday. Weird, Keanu looked really PINK. But hot nonetheless, he was sitting with what appeared to be a pirate. David Allen Grier was just staring at everyone, waiting to be recognized.
· Saw Topher Grace picking up a bag of sandwiches at Greenblatts on Sunset. Aeropostale hat, dressed like everybody else in the restaurant...the only thing that signaled it was actually him was the voice. Really really twitchy...but he looked fairly healthy otherwise...no saving necessary...
· was unaware that brett ratner and rebecca gayheart used to date, but apparently they're still quite chummy. on friday night around 9pm, we spotted them, along with another random guy who seemed to be an assistant (or someone of that sort) grocery shopping at bristol farms in beverly hills. i was struck by how absolutely bizarre this pairing was first, and
then by how loud rebecca gayheart could be. this is the second time i have seen her grocery shopping. the first time was at the ralphs across the street a couple of years ago. i remember thinking how she looked like she hadn't slept in about 3-5 months. not much has changed. they had a fairly full cart, but all i could see was case after case of bottled water. rebecca was yelling something to brett from the deli counter about how he should get turkey bacon for breakfast, and then trying to see what he wanted in the frozen foods aisle. we really wanted to get a photo of their aisle 5 embrace while paying for their goods for your viewing pleasure, but our cameraphone was too low on batteries. the whole thing kind of made me lose my appetite for the rest of the evening.
· Yesterday, heading to the Valley, I was blessed by 2 traffic sightings on Laurel Canyon. First up, Bill Shatner yelling at his wife in their black Mercedes. He's so funny. And David Schwimmer slumping over the hill in a coupe of some kind attempting to look hawt.
Once back over the hill, I head out to the open air un-mall in Century City and pass by the guy who played Arnold Schwarzenegger in the TV movie ( I know...he doesn't really qualify, but it was weird to watch him eating a pile of food alone) and Jon Lovitz in Brentano's who overheard my audible thought "Oh I love him" and turns around to say in
his snarkiest, smarmiest way, "Thank you..."
· This morning I saw Andy Richter at Mel's Diner on Sunset. He was in a red jacket and khakis, and I think the woman with him was his wife. If she wasn't she was his nanny, 'cause this adorable little mini-Richter was with them. I didn't wanna be creepy and scope out what they were eating, but the mini-Richter did have some fries in a cool little
cardboard car. When they were done they hopped into a black Audi with black tinted windows and took off into the rain.
· Driving down Robertson the other day and I noticed some Eminem-clone, "body guard" blocking the door to overpriced clothing boutique, Madison. There were a number of paparazzi out in front, with their long-lensed cameras jammed up against the store's glass front window, snapping away. I craned my neck and tried my best to ID their prey. I saw a blond girl, but older looking, kinda dumpy...a guy trying WAY too hard in sunglasses and a raggedy-ass "but I'm secretly rich" man outfit...and a dark haired, ponytailed girl wearing a pricey track suit type thingy. I'm voting it was NIKKI HILTON with that manager dumping boyfriend of hers, KEVIN CONNOLLY. (Although the dumpy blond was certainly not Paris. Maybe just an innocent bystander?)
· I was at the Grand Opening of Big Wangs Wings (on the corner Cahuenga and Selma) and as I was about to dive my buffalo wings when I saw Chris Masterson from Malcom in the Middle and some of the kids from That 70’s Show who are investors in this place. Right before the halftime Chris “Peter Brady” Knight walks in with his girlfriend and Surreal Life costar Adrianne Curry. He definitely looks as built as he is on the show, and she was stunning.
· So I was at Cabo Cantina on Wilshire last night, and hanging by the bar among the not-very-attractive-for-LA girls and frat boy types was none other than Ron Perlman, along with a buddy who he was introducing to random ladies as 'an Academy Award winner'. Fuck knows who he was though.
· Strolling down Vermont in Los Feliz Village, you are often on high hipster alert, stopping to gaze at the thrift store chic, and black bottle hair to question if that guy looks like he is in the Stokes, the Vines, maybe Velvet Revolver? This Saturday night as time edged closer to last call, bars empting out as the hip crowd was seeking a bite to eat, the hot stop on Vermont Fred 62 (I prefer to call it Fred 69) was jumping, the crowd was typical for the neighborhood, everyone looked like they could be in the latest band to grace the OC and blast constantly on Indie 103.1 with closer examination we spotted Dave Navarro, looking as if he was just a regular hipster, but with tons of his wife’s makeup on. Dave was with a group of uber trendy/ dread locked chicks, no skinny slut of a wife in sight.
· And for what it's worth, I saw former Charlie's Angel/Mrs. King/crazy baby-stealing nurse from some Lifetime movie Kate Jackson getting her haircut at Chess & Burman in Studio City. She looked good - skinny as ever with those cat eyes. Really good hair too. Had her 8/9/10? year old son with her too. Could only hear part of the conversation, but she sounded very nice to her stylist and the kid sounded charming and well-behaved.
· On the Friday before Super Bowl Sunday, standing outside of Amoeba Music having a hilarious cellphone conversation with a friend about a Bible she received as a birthday present, when Coral from the Real World (Back to New York) drives by in the passenger seat of a silver convertible with the top down. She was laughing pretty emphatically about something, complete with clapping hands. Managed a split second of eye contact before her and the driver turned the corner rather quickly. Since basically every ex-Real Worlder/Road Rules-er is now a bartender somewhere in LA, I guess she was late for an interview in some watering hole.
Later that same night, standing by the jukebox in my favorite neighborhood bar, Good Luck (thankfully devoid of ex-reality-show bartenders), when I'd heard someone scream out "Josh!", and turned around to see Josh Meyers (MAD TV and brother to SNL's Seth) sitting at the corner of the bar and macking it to some chick. He's pretty attractive and if both he and his brother lived in the same city, it'd be hard to tell them apart. Don't know if he got the macked-upon
girl's number or not, but he left about 20 minutes later with a tall blonde girl and a guy.