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In the interest of returning our inbox to a manageable flow of e-mail, let's put this week's guessing game to bed, shall we? Take one more filthy trip through One Bottom-Line Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "More to my liking—and yours, too, I have the feeling—would be Charisma Boom's new, low-lyin', get-down hobbies, which include (1) cheating on her impossibly dorky significant other (who's been stepping out on C.B. for, like, ages now) and (2) partaking in an activity you might want to make sure comes nowhere near your burrito supreme dinner from Baja Fresh. Let's back up—as it were." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump.

You say: As many (read: hundreds) of you informed us, Ted's item smells a lot like the barely-concealed blind offering from today's edition of Popbitch: "Which no-longer-newly-wed blonde had a recent affair with a movie co-star? (According to her friends, the jackass taught her to enjoy rimming)." We imagine that censors at E! made it difficult for Ted to use the technical term "rimming," so he instead settled for a dizzing barrage of ass-related entendre. We liked the "back alley otherwise known as Rocky Road" one. Subtle.

In any case, you guessed "Newlywed" Jessica Simpson and "Jackass" Johnny Knoxville, who are starring together in the Dukes of Hazzard remake. Oh, seems so easy, doesn't it? But explain this away: How's Knoxville supposed to find the time to french some married booty if he's supposedly busy banging Lindsay Lohan? Even jackasses have some kind of skank quota they can't exceed. (We think.)

You also say: Those who don't subscribe to Popbitch were left grasping at straws, converting Charisma Boom to Carrie Bradshaw to Sarah Jessica Parker, leaving "impossibly dorky" Matthew Broderick to be cuckolded by someone else's salad-tossing tongue. Have we typed the words "salad-tossing" enough for one day? We think we have.

You also say: A number of names with no supporting evidence whatsoever.

And The Andy Dick Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Andy Dick, who triumphantly reclaims his title after a couple of weeks on the schnide.

Thanks for playing!