· Wanna hear bloggers muse in person on past sordid sexcapades? Probably not—there's a reason they sit behind computers all day long. If that's not too much of a deterrent, check out the Spawn.of.Worst.Sex.Ever!! show tonight at P.S. 122. HTML knowledge not required. [PS 122]
· Is the Polyphonic Spree a band-as-cult or a cult-as-band? Who knows. Drink the Kool-Aid, head to Brooklyn, and check them out at Warsaw; they hit the stage with former Soul Coughing frontman Mike Doughty. [Warsaw]

· POST MoDERN is the name of a creatively capitalized exhibition at Greene Naftali Gallery through Saturday. Apparently it's for "artists working toward an entirely fresh mode of painterly expression from within the tropes of modernism." Sounds good to us! [flavorpill]