Short Ends: Nic Cage, Still Potent After All These Years

· Breaking! Nic Cage knocks up mysterious sushi-waitress bride!
· We knew this would happen eventually: a secret lab is finally breeding actresses without nipples, ensuring that embarrassing nip-slips are a thing of the past.
· Hey, Serena Williams isn't looking so hot these days. Must be the regular Ratner injections she's been getting.
· From today’s Hollywood Reporter, courtesy of Cinemocracy: “The FCC received complaints again this year about the Super Bowl halftime show, among them two viewers who said Paul McCartney bored them.”
· You make the call: Is the writer of something like Hitch capable of cleverly referencing Esquire's hoax It-Girl with the name of one of his characters, or is the similarity merely a coincidence? We're leaning towards the latter.
· Last week's "Marcia Cross is coming out" rumor throws a harsh light on unmarried women over 30, who are all obviously lesbians or otherwise damaged in some way.