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· More Lindsay Lohan family dysfunction fun time: "One bystander was outraged. Michael Lohan 'has demonstrated that he's clearly more interested in milking his daughter's success for his own financial remuneration than in being a responsible father or husband.'" Funny how that "bystander" talks exactly like a restraining order!
· "Pinot" was the top word from show business that influenced the English language last year. Quick, someone tell Paul Giamatti before he sticks his head in the oven.
· George Michael quits "dead" pop music, pop music sighs with relief that Michael will no longer be jerking off in its bathroom.[via goldenfiddle]
· If Brandon Davis swallowed Mischa Barton whole: click here to see what would happen besides a 200-percent leap in The OC's quality.
· Break out the Jello-brand pudding pops! The Coz is getting off!