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Hitch screenwriter Kevin Bisch wouldn't have been satisfied churning out the next cookie-cutter, Freddie Prinze, Jr. romantic comedy vehicle. With his script, he would settle for no less than raising the level of discourse at his local Starbucks:

How did you strive to make this film more than another mainstream popcorn date movie?

I think it's definitely a sophisticated romantic comedy. I remember sitting in a café and I heard these kids — God bless their souls — they were about 19 or 20, out on a date and they were having that When Harry Met Sally conversation about whether men and women can be friends. I thought, We gotta give these kids something else to talk about! (laughs)

We can hear those kids now:

Kid 1: "Hey, did you see that commercial where Will Smith kisses that fat guy from the sitcom?"

Kid 2: "The Fresh Prince kissed a dude!"

Kid 1: "I know! But I bet it was done in the service of some sophisticated point about the realities of modern relationships."

Kid 2: "Totally. Wanna smoke some dope and go see Are We There Yet?"

Kid 1: "Hell yeah!"