To Do: Your President's Day Weekend Plans

· Robert MacNeil, the MacNeil half of "MacNeil/Lehrer" and Amy "Fast Times/Clueless" Heckerling sit down for another installment of those Writers Bloc deathmatches at the Skirball Cultural Center.
· Tom Morello (formerly of Rage Against the Machine, but you knew that), Bad Acid Trip, and others perform at the Peace and Justice Center in Venice for a Food Not Bombs benefit. Check it out if you need something to do to correct your karma after seeing Hitch.
· Trunk show on Melrose! Bring your pepper spray and leave all fear of bodily injury at home.
· Buster Keaton's The General screens at UCLA’s Royce Hall. Nota bene, first-year film students: He was not the one with the funny mustache and the bowler. He was, however, Michael Keaton's grandfather.
· The Avalon's Spider Club hosts a celebrity charity event for AMBA Project Tsunami Relief Fund. It's starfucking...with a social conscience. We can all get behind that.
· Ted Leo and the Pharmacists play the El Rey. We'd so be there, but we've got to stay home and meticulously study Desperate Housewives for clues about Bree van de Kamp's sexual preference. Abe Lincoln would've wanted it that way.