· Just in case you weren't already invited, PR jackanapes Jonathan Cheban is celebrating his birthday tonight at Butter (sponsored by Evian, Lean Cuisine, and Hazmat). We're assuming the party will be downstairs, of course, and things start after 11. Be sure to RSVP to Lizzie so she can put you on the list, k?
· Remember when you were a total slut in college? Remember when people saw you being a total slut in college as you made the 6:00am trek back to your dorm room wearing the same clothes as the night before? If so, then "Brutal Honesty: The Walk of Shame" at Sutra 16 is for you. [Upcoming]
· Tonic continues its last-ditch effort to save itself by bringing in freak-folker Devendra Banhart. [Tonic]
· Part-time rapper, part-time DJ, full-time hustler Princess Superstar takes her one-track mind to Lit tonight. 9pm for all you horny single males out there. [NY Press]