To Do: Music, A Motorcycle, And Oral History

· Concert round-up: Ben Lee (ex-boyfriend of the Crudup-stealing Claire Danes, if you care about that sort of thing) will be celebrating the release of his new record, Awake Is the New Asleep, at the Viper Room; we're deeply depressed we won't make it to see Earlimart and Lou Barlow and Matt Costa at the Silverlake Lounge; the great Paul Westerberg plays the Henry Fonda Theatre.
· There's a free screening of The Motorcycle Diaries at the Brentwood Presbyterian Church, but you'll be wracked with guilt if you skip out on the post-movie theological discussion led by a dude who "found God on AC/DC’s Highway to Hell tour."
· Book Soup hosts Legs McNeil and Jennifer Osborne as they read and sign The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Industry Oral history. Clever!