Comedy Central Intern: Jokes! Blogs! Hugs!
Is there anything more precious than the blog of a corporate slave? Not even a newborn puppy on a pink cloud is as cute as a secret work blog! Oh, how we fondly remember when we used to have "day jobs" so numbing that we were compelled to do that sort of thing. The "side project" of a Comedy Central intern has us feeling all fuzzy and nostalgic:
· I edit jokes which aren t good enough for The Daily Show.
· These rejected jokes are now the best topic for this blog.
· I ll use this topic/blog to create my own jokes.
· These jokes won t be as good as the jokes I edited.
· Which, again, weren t good enough for The Daily Show.
We're sure the Daily Show writers will be pleased to know where their unused jokes go to die. A note of caution to this darling intern: We used to be just like you, and look how far it got us.
Trickle-Down Joke-onomics [I'm A Comedy Central Intern]