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In a development so meta that it threatens to tear the very fabric of the celebutante-blogging continuum and suck all of Los Angeles into the darkest recesses of Tara Reid's reproductive system, several readers have pointed out that a Defamer post had appeared in Paris Hilton's hacked Sidekick e-mail—and, just to make sure that the heavens split and the Creator himself vomits lightning of disapproval from his Godhead, the post in question was an account of Hilton in a T-Mobile store after her Sidekick was stolen. We know, it's a lot to wrap your head around; the strain of trying to work out all the angles has left us unable to speak without a stutter for the last fifteen minutes. And forgive us for even calling attention to this story, but we haven't basked in this kind of reflected glory since we used our cameraphone to snap a picture of our manhood as mirrored by the side of a highly polished toaster.

[Paris, call us! It's destiny!]