· Hipster lifestyle manifesto Repellent Magazine has about the same publishing track record as Radar, but they sure do throw some fun parties! Tonight, DFA mates Pixeltan team up with Kid606 at Rothko. [flavorpill]
· Nu-folk Americana rockers Animal Collective haul ass from Brooklyn for a sold-out show at Bowery Ballroom. You know you want to go: all the cool kids will be there, and when was the last time you said no to peer pressure? [BB]
· In the pantheon of coolest band names ever, I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness has gotta be pretty high up there. As for their music, well, we've never heard them, but God, that name is so cool... They play with the Winter Pageant, Uncut, and the Octopus Project at Rothko. Jesus, what isn't at that freaking place? [Rothko]
· Indie favorites Luna kick off their three-night stay at the Bowery Ballroom. Rothko, Bowery. Bowery, Rothko. You get the idea. [BB]
· The Oscars are going to be boring, but maybe Chris Rock will call someone a white bitch and everyone in Famousville will squirm uncomfortably in their seats. That's reason enough to watch, and our lazy brother on to the West will be live-blogging the ceremony while drinking himself to death. [Oscars]