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In this week's New York Magazine, Adam Sternbergh ("dean of the celebrity think piece," pace Jeff MacIntyre) profiles former stunt driver-turned-MTV reality show star Lizzie Grubman. The best quote (which we, gotta admit, we got from Jossip) comes about midway into the article:

No one believed in hip-hop but me. Everyone was like, Lizzie, are you sure you re going to be able to get this in the mainstream? ... But I would beat those reporters down, and look at it now. There s nothing bigger. Everyone looks at me now and says, You were so right. ... I can see things that nobody else can see.

Except in the blind spot of that damn Mercedes SUV, right, Lizzie?

Of course, this isn't the first time Grubman has graced the pages of New York. Here's a little look back: Welcome to the Dollhouse (Dec. 7, 1998); Reversal of Fortune (July 30, 2001).

Lizzie Grubman s Star Vehicle [NYM]