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You'd think that after the photos of her bluntastic Thanksgiving celebration were scattered all over the internets, Lindsay Lohan might learn to avoid people who have websites. This Marquis Deja Du Livejournal entry claims that Lohan and her co-stars from Just My Luck crashed a party down in New Orleans, and everyone's favorite Barbie doll was allegedly caught engaging in some good, clean bathroom sex:

Around 1am, I thought things were quieting down as people left and others seemed to be losing steam...

Then the entire cast and crew from this movie showed up.

The rest of the night was a blur for me, made more coherent by piecing together everyone else's stories from the night before. My friend related how the delicate shelves in her pirate bathroom weren't made to support a raucous Lindsay Lohan giving a clandestine fuck to the drummer from McFly.

Is there nowhere on earth where a starlet who likes a good time can indulge her passion for nearly-public trysts without it winding up on the internet?

UPDATE: The Livejournal party-goer has retracted his story. Meanwhile, paparazzi photographers tirelessly stalk New Orleans bathrooms.