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Media-stalking sister site Gawker's been talking to their monkey again, who's been whispering sweet monkey-nothings in their ear about the strange comings and goings of the on-again-off-again, super-non-couple Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.

When we came to, we remembered something we heard from our pet monkey, who happens to spend a great deal of time at a big pink hotel to the west. Beverly Hills something-or-other, we can’t recall. Anyhow, our monkey has noticed that since their breakup, Brad and Jennifer have been staying at the establishment with some frequency. They always arrive and leave separately, but isn’t it an interesting coincidence that the two always seem to be staying at the hotel on the very same nights?

How odd! We try not to listen to our monkey, who's got a serious problem with shooting heroin between his toes. If we took his advice, we'd be hanging out in the Big Pink Hotel's lobby in a cheap disguise, or peppering the front desk with messages for "Tyler Durden" and the chick from Along Came Polly.