Denise Richards Leaves Charlie Sheen; Innocence Dead

It s a sad day in Famousville: Actress Denise Richards has filed for divorce from her husband, Charlie Sheen, citing irreconcilable differences (we think that delightfully vague excuse has something to do with Sheen s increasingly close relationship with Angelina Jolie Jon Cryer). The couple already has a 1 year-old daughter, Sam, and more interestingly, Richards is currently 6 months pregnant with their second spawn. Wow, Denise how very Crudup of you.
But seriously, what the fuck? Is nothing sacred anymore? Not to get all love is dead on you kids, but if rich, aesthetically-pleasing, rehabbed simpletons can t make it, who can? Why do we even get out of bed in the morning?
(And for those of you who smell a stunt akin to whatever the hell is going on with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, we disagree: Sheen and Richards don t have the publicist power to mastermind that sort of thing.)
Denise Richards, Charlie Sheen to Divorce [AP]