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It's time to put this week's blind item game to bed so that we can return to our usual level of inbox activity. Slip another hand under the sweater of One Derailed Diva Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Shrill-ella Devil is roundly hated by most Hollywood folks. And those who don't loathe her simply don't think of her. All the while, Ms. D., who likes to hang with the best of 'em (thanks to her tony day gig and hairdo), actually thinks people aren't laughing at her. But they are. Consistently. Behind her designer-dud-wearing back." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Once again cackling at the perceived lack of difficulty of this week's item (and often including a disparaging comment about Casablanca's declining ability to make his riddles more impenetrable to your collective intellect), you overwhelming guessed Star Jones-Reynolds, new E! red carpet scourge and recent PETA punching bag. Said one of you, "I throw up a little every time I see her wrapped in an animal carcass. Yech." We suspect that our reader might also vomit at the sight of Ms. Jones-Reynolds wearing a poly-cotton blend, but that is neither here nor there. If you found the item too easy, you've clearly fallen victim to Ted's legendary powers of misdirection; we've heard that he can walk into any local Del Taco, ask for change for a five dollar bill, and leave with a fistful of twenties. The man CLOUDS MINDS, people.

You also say: The second-place answer was Oprah Winfrey, but everyone knows that everyone loves Oprah. She's God's Love manifest in talk-show host form.

You also say: Others on the wrong end of your gossipy ire: Kelly Ripa, Sharon Osbourne, Faye Dunaway, and a smattering of others we'd rather not bother listing here.

And The Andy Dick Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: One reader says, "I am sure half of the
readers want it to be Andy Dick," but another foils fifty-percent of you. The winner: "Peter Bart isn't a woman, is he?" No, last time we checked, he was not. But things move pretty quickly in this town.

Thanks to everyone for playing!