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· Chris Klein and Katie Holmes have split. How much pain can Hollywood possibly be expected to endure in one day? We imagine that Klein grew tired of the way that every time the adorable Holmes stood still in a park, chipmunks would gather at her feet and bluebirds would perch on her shoulders. [Ed.note—For the record, we could never get tired of that.]
· Anna Nicole Smith did something wacky that may or may not have been fueled by a diet-pill binge? Get OUT!
· There's another great Photoshop contest at Worth1000. Collateray (left) is by far our favorite—watch for ABC to pick up a drama about a blind assassin tomorrow. [via MCN]
· You're too late to buy Jessica Simpson's grandparents' house, slaughter a hundred chickens in it, and correct the awful karma imbalance that it's unleashed on the world.