Coming Soon From Gawker Media and 'Lucky': Wonkette, The Doll!

Following in the pointed, plastic footsteps of Lindsay Lohan and Ann Coulter, Gawker Media, in conjunction with Lucky Magazine, is proud to present: Wonkette, the doll.
Lovingly modeled after the real Ana Marie Cox, the Wonkette doll is perfect for the politics and pop culture obsessed little girl in your life. With over seven outfits to choose from and with a sturdy BloggerGrip®, Wonkette will provide hours of fun and education! Wonkette also comes with her own wireless laptop to type obscenity-laced political satires from several 3D 'Blogger' PlayScapes®: the living room, the local Starbucks, the green room of Scarborough Country, and the living room again!
As Chris Lehmann, the real Ana Marie Cox's Ken doll, says: "I wish the real Ana were this pliable!"
Buy it today!
(Disclaimer: Wonkette is suitable for children ages 4 and up. Not suitable for creepy grown men.)