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The Dapper Danger blog took a job as an extra on the New Orleans set of the Lindsay Lohan epic Just My Luck and learns some lessons about the background craft: There's a lot of standing around and waiting, suspect food, and the crew always hates the cast:

Bedecked in no fewer than four layers of clothing (despite the muggy, hellish weather), my sub-human brethren and I trudged back and forth on the same city block for nearly three hours, while Ms. Lohan & Co. struggled to wrap up a ten-second scene in an air-conditioned bank. Probably expecting a mob beating, she dashed into a white Cadillac SUV and sped away when the lunch bell rang.

We also got in tight with someone on the production crew, who confirmed our suspicions: the cast "can't act," and is "kind of stupid." After all, we weren't expecting filmic gold by the plot synopsis they delineated for the pool of extras: "The luckiest girl and unluckiest boy in the entire world find their fates suddenly reversed after sharing a kiss at a masked music-industry ball!"

It's good to see that Lohan was able to shake off the mystery flu and marshal enough strength to carry out her ten seconds of filming. Dapper Danger also found some script pages in the garbage (which in no way is a reflection of its quality, we're sure), which he dutifully reproduces on the blog.