Short Ends: Defamer Holds Hollywood Hostage

· You see, Moonves, if you don't greenlight my pilot idea for a buddy comedy about a Viacom executive bent on world destruction and the blogger that's obsessed with him, I'm going to write a particularly nasty joke about the preternatural whiteness of your teeth. Also, to the Weinsteins: We have maps of where the bodies are buried. Leave the three-picture deal on the doorstep. We kinda like the Satan part, though.
· All things considered, Nick Carter's DUI mugshot isn't half bad. He purdy.
· We have a sidekick down! Repeat, a sidekick is down!
· Now blogging at Gridskipper: Evil Hungarian blog overlord Nick Denton. We give him two days before he starts whipping himself for being too slow to post, though he may delegate that duty to Lockhart.
· Hey, Theo, where are you going with that foam sex cube? Hold on, we don't want to know.
· Own your very own Jackson matrimonial artifact, before it becomes Exhibit A. You can almost hear it mocking the institution!