· Regular independent cinema just isn't indie enough for you, you fucking snob? You're in luck: the New York Underground Film Festival kicks off today. 15 features, over 110 shorts, and a whole lotta bespectacled Tisch students. [flavorpill]
· Chick lit is soo 2k4: the next installment of the Cupcake reading series takes place tonight at Lolita, featuring comic book authors and illustrators Megan Kelso and Ariel Bordeaux. You can bet there won't be any tales of young, professional women searching for love in the big city. Thank God. [Upcoming]
· Are your bookshelves high on space? Low on pretension? Head on over to Tom Banjo's Warehouse Sale, sponsored by Printed Matter. Thousands of zines, books, records, and videos are all heavily discounted. The limited-edition Ryan McGinness prints, however, are not. [Paper]