Hollywood PrivacyWatch: 90210 Reunion Special!

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and let the world know that Val Kilmer chews with his mouth open.
In today's episode, which may be the biggest to date: A Very Special 9-0 Reunion starring Luke Perry and Jason Priestley; Halle Berry and some security beef at the Sunset 5; Drew Barrymore; Natalie Portman with entourage at Barney's; P. Diddy and a gaggle of Apprentices on Rodeo; Dustin Hoffman indulging Teutonic curiosity; Vince Vaughn in an antiques shopt, twice, once well-behaved and once not; Debra Messing at same shop; Adam Duritz; Robert Downey Jr and Mischa Barton in a tizzy at CBTL; Burt Reynolds and Dominick Dunne at the Polo Lounge; Val Kilmer; Campbell Scott, Annette Bening, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Dinklage, Jane Kazcmarek, Brad Whitford, and JK Simmons; David Schwimmer, Eric McCormack, and Brooke Shields; Viggo Mortensen; Nicky Hilton and Kevin Connolly; Traci Lords and Giovanni Ribisi; Simon Cowell, Harry Dean Stanton, and Owen Wilson; Eric Stoltz; Julianna Margulies; Gina Gershon, Anthony "American Idol" Fedorov, JC Chasez, and Justin Guarini; Shane West; Eddie Furlong; Dave Navarro; Richie Sambora; Corey Feldman; Donny Osmond; Trey Anastasio; Chastity Bono; two guys from Amazing Race.
· Saw Luke Perry and Jason Priestley at Luna Park. Oh, but it's so much better than that. They weren't there together - Dylan with a man-friend, Brandon with beautiful wife and other couple. But then they saw each other. And embraced. For like, actual minutes. Manbracing. And I missed a lot of this because my back was to them, but my boyfriend was gleeful as he reported neck kissing - yes, tender but macho neck pecks mixed in with long hugs, face holding and Dylan murmuring 'Congratulations.' For what? Getting cast in a pilot? Getting a hot wife? Who cares. The point was the manbracing and it was sweet.
· The other night I was delighted to see Halle Barry going into the Laemmle Sunset 5 to see Diary of a Mad Black Woman. She was accompanied by two HUGE bodyguards - seriously, these guys had to be genetically-altered, they would have dwarfed Andre the Giant (not present). Also in the area (different day), Kiefer Sutherland and Brooke Shields were chatting outside of a screening at the Director's Guild of America before precariously dashing across Sunset to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf across the street.
· Saw a Stroke-less Drew Barrymore at the Whole Foods on Santa Monica and Fairfax.
The day before the Oscars was especially exciting with Natalie Portman with bodyguard and family entourage in Barney's, Marla Maples, Tiffany Trump and the Stylist thats on that Anna Devane show in Valentino picking up her dress and last but not least, P.DIDDY!! walking from store to store on Rodeo looking for tuxes with no less then 75 people/tourists following him like the Pied Piper. weird. OH! also, a whole slew of people from The Apprentice on Rodeo. what cranks.
· Saw Dustin Hoffman yesterday (3/3) at the newstand in Brentwood and almost walked into him as he is so short. I knew the man was vertically challenged, but we're talking several inches shorter than my 5'6" physique He was asking for magazines about/from Germany. He looks just the way you'd expect and hopped into an Audi after completing his purchase.
· I was with my girlfriend at this antique shop, Vintageweave, across from farmers market on Fairfax. my girlfreind shops there often and has said she has seen several celebs from time to time. My first time there and who comes walking in announcing loudly "Im here to pick up my order"?? Wish-I-was-still-in-Swingers Vince Vaughn. Ok, now I'm a big fan and all but he was chewing gum like a loud cow, talked loudly and had the owner close down the store cuz he "didn't really want to be being bothered by autograph hounds" What a diva! And he was smoking a cigarette and the owner nicely told him no smoking inside. He said "oh, yeah, ok right" and continued to finish his cig as if the request didn't apply to
Hollywood's frat pack. D-I-V-A!
· Few doors down is a gift/antiques place called VintageWeave. Spotted Vince Vaughn coming out with these huge boxes with ribbon coming out of them. He was with another guy who waited in the car and another guy who was helping him. Guy helping him looked a lot like Jon Favreau but not sure as he had on a trucker hat and dark glasses. I went and held open the store door for them to help and Vince smiled and said "thanks, man...thanks alot" Then he cracked some joke about carrying bottles during prohibition and his friend laughed. Damn he is TALL with a capital T and hot when he doesn't shave.
At that same shop I saw Debra Messing there about 2 weeks ago. She was with another lady and her baby boy and the owner closed up the shop for them as I left. Had I known I would have stayed and shopped more! She had on NO makeup and was still stunning. Smiled as I walked past.
· Night before the Oscars: Adam Duritz at The Ivy. What a *fat bastard*. He turned this gorgeous and sweet
70 year old lady down when she requested a picture. He was so rude, and QUITE ugly! Pre-O's: Robert Downey Jr sweetly cuddling with his son and sitting next to his fiancee outside the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf on 2nd in Santa Monica.
Moments after he walked away, Mischa Barton breezed by, in quite a tizzy about something. She was walking (and talking at) someone who looked like she could be a slightly younger sister. MB looked like she was pissed off, and couldn't calm down. She walked in, then out of the coffee shop, up, then down the street.. that happened about 4 times!
Lunch, Post-O's at The Polo Lounge Burt Reynolds with brown hair! Is he in the remake of The Longest Yard? He's lookin' like it! Also, my personal favorite sighting, Dominick Dunne, dining with several people, none of whom I recognized.
· My friend and I were visiting from the Bay Area so we decided to play tourist and have lunch at The Ivy on 3/2. We got the coveted "porch table" and sat a few feet away from Val Kilmer. He looked more Jim Morrison than Ice Man. He actually looked really hot! Great hair and in pretty good shape. He was eating a 2lb lobster (one of the daily specials), sitting with a table of industry folks that laughed at his every word. Also there was Brandon Davis sans Mischa. The paparazzi didn't seem impressed and neither were we.
· At a screening of Campbell Scott's "Off the Map" I attended on Sat. at Pacific Design Center, a well-placed IED could have devastated next year’s Independent Spirit Awards. Campbell Scott was all dreamy with salt and pepper hair. Your typically handsome preppy dad of Hollywood Royalty. In attendance: Miss Jennifer Beals – thin and radiant – never alone for one second but did not come with anyone. Miss Annette Bening (left during the credits with her daughter) Mini Station Agent reunion (no pun intended?) with Patricia Clarkson (tiny, but much prettier than on film) and Peter Dinklage (hot, we don’t care, hot). Miss Jane Kaczmarek , Mr. Jane Jane Kaczmarek (Bradley Whitford), J. K. Simmons – as hulking as he looked on Oz. Plus numerous others, but we hadn’t eaten so we left for food.
· Went to an event at the John Varvatos store on Melrose and Robertson on Saturday for the Rape Treatment Center. Saw David Schwimmer and this really pretty girl striking up conversation, and he asked for her number, which she promptly gave. Eric McCormack from Will and Grace was very nice. Brooke Shields looks exactly the same in person- a little older though. She really needs to get rid of that early 90s cowlick thing on both sides of her face. Daughter's super pretty, husband super nice. And John Varvatos was really nice, shook the hands of all of the volunteers working and personally thanked them, and made an effort to talk to all of the guests. Heard his fiance is a pain in the ass though.
· I saw a very hairy Viggo Mortensen at Bossa Nova in West Hollywood on Tuesday afternoon (3/1). He was alone and very uninterested in any attempts to start a conversation, and is not nearly as hot as he was in Lord of the Rings.
· Was at Shelter Saturday night (the club, not the furniture store) and was standing with my friend having a smoke in that pseudo-smoking section (they call it a smoking section, but why-oh-why did the club managers come storming into the section freaking out with, "Fire marshall's here! Put out the cigarettes!") But I digress...after the fire-marshal left
was having a smoke when Nicky Hilton is pushing people out of her way to get through (not in a bitchy way, but you have to push in that sardine-packed-club). Nothing unusual, but the funny thing was that she was holding Kevin Connolly's hand leading him through the crowd and he was following behind her like a lost puppy dog. Remember the old days? When gentlemen would lead women through a crowded area? But perhaps that would have been impossible for Kevin. I think he's 4'2.
· both Traci Lords and Giovanni Ribisi were spotted at the Silverlake Starbucks on Mon 2/28/05
· At Ago: Saw Simon Cowell with a man on the smoking patio. Also in the house, Friday night regular Harry Dean Stanton (thank God NOT with Simon) and Owen Wilson with a table full of dudes.
· Saw Eric Stoltz at the new celeb hotspot: the 24 Hour Fitness at the Archlight this morning. He is very slight ,however he maybe trying to fix that because he spent all his time in the free weights section.
· Today (3/4) I was getting lunch at the Whole Foods in Brentwood and saw Julianna Margulies (previously seen at this location: Marcia Cross and Carrie Ann Moss, who is stunningly beautiful, by the way). Julianna was wearing a Yankees hat and jeans and looked completely normal, by real standards, not Hollywood standards. I tried to sneak a peak in her cart without being too stalkerish and all I saw were Pria bars and fresh ginger...
· Gina Gershon walking along a trail off Beachwood Canyon Sunday afternoon with a guy who appeared to be Craig Ferguson. She's tiny, with super huge lips. American Idol contestant Anthony Federov picking up some sushi-to-go at Kokyo Sushi on Pico Friday. JC Chasez and AI runner-up/has-been Justin Guarini at Shelter last Wednesday night for a USO Kick Off tour. Justin was wearing a baseball cap & appeared to have chopped of all his Sideshow Bob hair. Now he just looks like some guy you might have went to high school with.
· I saw Shane (e.r.) West working out with a much-uglier friend yesterday evening at the Bally's in Studio
City. Skinny Shane was in the basement weight room (where the big boys lift weights). From his pained expression, he probably should have been upstairs using the bunny weight machines. He looked smashing in his wrinkled Hooter's t-shirt and dime-store mop hair.
· Sunday night we went to a Ralph's in Studio City and ran into Eddie Furlong with a lady friend. Oh man, is he Tobey Maguire fat. I wanted to tell him to leave the 24 pack of Super Pretzels behind, but I didn't have the heart. What's up with these guys being all swollen? I blame Matthew Perry.
· Not a really timely sighting, but … someone needs to talk to Dave Navarro about makeup and the gym. When you’re standing smack in the middle of Equinox West Hollywood, lifting and grunting and looking around to make sure everyone sees you – this is the time to leave the pancake makeup at home. Seriously. And the eyebrow pencil, eyeliner et al. Was his mother a Merle Norman rep? What the f—k? I see him there regularly (along with the Noxema girl, who’s really quite pretty, and lately, Dolph Lundgren), and he scares me.
· At Beth Frank or simply FRANK (they make high end rocker-type belts) last thursday I saw Richie Sambora coming out of there and he was with some equally hot- looking rocker dude. Richie was on the phone bitching someone out about gasoline in his vehicle. They were walking towards 3rd street where 2 Silver Hummers were parked. Not sure if they belonged to him or not. He's short but hot.
· Was at Amoeba Music - the roving swapmeet where a bum can find a DVD copy of "The Mod Squad" in a dumpster and still get fifty cents for it - Wednesday, 3/2 and Corey Feldman, not well-disguised behind black shades and a backwards W Los Angeles - Westwood hotel hat brought a sack of extraordinarily used VHS tapes and a few DVDs through the "Sell/Trade" line. After having most of his tapes rejected for being beaten up or already bought used from video stores ("Batman," "A Few Good Men" - no "Blown Away" sightings), Corey pressed the issue on a copy of "Raiders of the Lost Ark," only to be told that Amoeba gets around "4,000 tapes a week" and they can only buy primo stuff. Apparently his "Raiders" box cover was half torn-off. A semi-disgruntled Feldman took his $40 in store credit and went off into the store.
· Donny Osmond was spotted at P.F. Changs on La Cienega tonight dining with, I guess, his wife. When we told our waiter that Donny Osmond was sitting at the nearby table he said, “who is that?” He was too cute to know who Donny Osmond was.
· Saw ex-Phish frontman Trey Anastasio leaving the Four Seasons on Friday, getting into a...minivan. Not being on the road seems to have mellowed his taste in cars. (No more VW vans.)
· Saturday night at an old co-worker's birthday party, I saw Chastity Bono with her harem of butchies. She seemed to be having a good time. I had to keep my co-worker from running up to her and serenading her with one of Cher's tunes. She seemed friendly enough, though she didn't do any mingling.
· It was reality star round-up on Sunday at Hugo's as I saw Reichen Lehmkuhl of Amazing Race fan as well as recent Amazing Race alum, Adam Malis. Adam was sitting with a brown haired ponytailed girl- looks as if they were doing business. And Reichen was with a hot girl and 3 very gay guys.