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Wherein we invite our readers to pour themselves a pint of the fermented prose of humpy E! gossip brewmeister Ted Casablanca and chug the fine, handcrafted ale that is his weekly blind item. This week, Casablanca abandons the hot, gay sex that's a staple of the item and replaces it with hot, gay hand-holding. Oh yeah, the hand-holder in question is supposedly a straight dude, but you knew that already, didn't you? Pinch the cheeks of One Adorable Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Okay, sugar-muffins, the only reason this one's in the Vice section is because until quite recently, Toothy Tile was dating his superpopular, superannoyingly perfect girlfriend. Not boyfriend. Which, if you ask this old gossip whore, is the classification Tile would prefer his significant others be filed under in the very near future.." Read the item.

You say: UPDATE: Your guesses are posted! No more responses, please. We gots work to do.