To Do: Your Weekend Of Leisure

· More quality concerts than you shake a clichéd stick at: Futureheads at the Henry Fonda, Pretty Girls Make Graves and Dios Malos at the El Rey, and that super-secret Coldplay situation at the Troubadour.
· Former Jackassers and current Wild Boyz Steve-O and Chris Pontius are throwing a premiere party at El Centro tonight. There is only a 50-50 chance that you'll be taunted into stapling your scrotum to something or into wrestling an alligator.
· Continuing the shaking of that stick in regards to the following shows: The Blood Arm, the Adored, and the Tints play Little Pedro's, with DJ sets by Keith Morris (Circle Jerks, Black Flag) and Senior (Junior Senior); Kasbian and The Music at the Henry Fonda; 2/3 of the Unicorns reunite as Th' Corn Gangg, and play their first show ever at the Echo; KCRW Sounds Eclectic Evening with Coldplay, Café Tacuba, Nellie McKay & The Like plus surprise special guests at the Universal Amphitheater.
· You'd think there was nothing to do but see shows this weekend, wouldn't you? Ian Brown (The Stone Roses) plays the House of Blues, Slint and Pinback are at the Avalon, and the precocious Nellie McKay sticks around to do the Roxy.
· Why don't you just camp out at the Henry Fonda all weekend? If VH1 hasn't beaten every ounce of nostalgia out of you, you can check out the Second Annual Totally 80s Convention. It's as if you can never escape your childhood!