Defamer's Facelift

This is Hollywood, so even though this site's not even a year old, it needed some things tightened up: a lift here, a little injection there, and you hardly notice that we're starting to get more work. If you think our rack's gone up a cup size, well, our publicist said we blossomed overnight, OK?
Observant readers will notice the very happy return of the search box at the top of the page. Welcome it back by feeding it such queries as "Paris Hilton's vagina," "Harvey Weinstein strangles," or "Michael Jackson's barber pole." It's fun!
Also new: Defamer's Guide to the Web, which you can access by that shiny button in the sidebar. It will take you to the magical, mystical land of the blogs and other websites we read, a place where nyphomaniac supermodels feed you marshmallow Peeps as you lounge by a jacuzzi full of chocolate milk.
We now return to our usual programming of dubious informational and/or entertainment value. And please, don't stare at the rack. We swear they're real.