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The press has been following breathlessly all of the post-Oscar comings and goings of everyone's favorite up-from-Camaros-on-blocks, two-time winner Hilary Swank: her victory meal, her vacation plans, and now, her fruit-smuggling and subsequent protest of fruit-smuggling fines. All of this attention has resulted in a wave of SwankLash which has become so pervasive that even Katie Couric is taking shots at her on the Today Show. Notes a reader:

Matt and Katie were out on the plaza at the beginning of the 8:30 half-hour. A guy was there from Esquire magazine to present the Today show with something called an "Esky" award for having the best concert series. (I dunno.) After a few seconds of chit chat about the awards, the categories, when the magazine will be on newsstands, etc., Katie Couric accepted the award saying, "I'd like to thank my mom, my dad, my best friend and publicist..." and then Matt Lauer cut her off.

When even the likes of Nice Gal Katie is taking some swings on a morning show, it might be time to lay low for a while. She should just pay the $150 fine and lose the distraction; in the time it takes Swank to say "$150 apple-smuggling fine," she could've already made four or five more bad career choices.