Defamer: Twice Blessed, Bloggy-Style

Gawker Media Empire mid-level manager Lockhart Steele is trench-blogging from SXSW in Austin, where the winners of the 2005 Bloggies were just announced. And we're proud to note that Defamer won Bloggies for Best Entertainment Weblog and Best New Weblog. Thanks to everyone that voted for us, and despite the fact that you've all made a terrible mistake and overlooked some other very fine blogs, those promised three-picture deals and hooker coupons are in the e-mail.
This is the part where we were going to take another cheap shot at Hilary Swank's reacharound to her "best friend and publicist," but that already been ruined for us by Katie Couric, morning show master of the subtle barb. How about this: If we had a nancy-boy husband, we'd take this time to emasculate him by forgetting his name and then making a big show out of remembering his name afterwards.
Intramural props to drunken, assplay-and-gadget obsessed brother/sister blogs Gizmodo and Wonkette, which won Bloggies for Best Weblog About Politics and Best Computers and Technology Weblog, though we're not sure who won which. We're already throwing up underneath the desk from that bottle of Cristal we chugged. If you stop by Spider Club tonight, stop by and say hi as we fight with the bouncer, brandishing a copy of this post and screaming, "Don't you know who I am?," completely unconcerned about the pronoun/number disagreement in that last sentence.
Again, thanks to everyone!