Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Dynamite Self-Promotion Edition

A reader spots Efren "Hey, remember me, I'm Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite!" Ramirez out clubbing over the weekend, and is put off by a bit of unseemly self-promotion:
On Saturday night/Sunday morning, I had a bizarre meta-celebrity sighting on the dance floor of Avalon. Efren Ramirez was doing his thing in those oh-so-trendy "Vote for Pedro" t-shirts. What the hell?!? Is he really that desperate for attention that he would wear the name of the character that's made him famous?
He's either desperate for attention or keenly aware of the fleeting nature of fame and seizing his moment, take your pick. The options are not mutually exclusive. He's also appearing in the upcoming Mr. and Mrs. Smith; if he's really looking to stir up some shit, he'll show up at the Abbey rocking one of those "I Stole Brad" t-shirts.
UPDATE: Another reader points out Ramirez's highly entertaining publicity photos on IMDb, in which the actor seeks to preserve his brushes with fame for all time.